Religious Education

I am a Child of God ~John 1:2

The message of Jesus Christ is brought to the children and youth of our parish and aide parents in their faith formation through an ongoing encounter with His Holy Catholic Church within a caring faith community.  
Objectives: To provide instruction in scripture and dogma, to provide preparation for the reception of the sacraments appropriate to the children's and youth's stage of life, to offer opportunities for service to the community at large through a variety of projects, to make available opportunities for spiritual growth through participation in Holy Mass, to offer timely continuous parent classes, to provide adequate training of volunteer catechist, to engage the parish faith community in prayer for the spiritual welfare of the parish children.

For more information call Religious Education office 361-241-3249


Religious Education Registration 

Fee $30 Per Child

Registration Days Are: Sunday - Wednesday

Starting: July 21st & July 28th 9 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. &

July 22nd - July 24th and July 29th - July 31st from 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Late Registration on August 2nd from 2p.m - 6p.m.

Registration will be held at the

St. John Religious Education Center & Church Entrance for Sunday Registration

Classes Begin August 11th & 12th

Registration Link:

Religious Education Registration Form | St Peter, Prince of the Apostles Church (

Already Registered but still need to Pay, Here is the Payment Link:

RE Registration Payment Form | St Peter, Prince of the Apostles Church (

For questions contact Parish Office: 


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