In 1965, the late Bishop Marx and Monsignor Patrick Higgins, Pastor of St. Anthony's Church in Violet, discussed the need for a Catholic Church in the Annaville Area. Negotiations were initiated with Mrs. Mary Kocurek and family for the purchase of ten acres for the new parish site.
On June 29, 1967, the Feasts of Saints Pete and Paul, universal patrons of the Church, ground was broken for a new parish. The Parish would be known as St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles. Mass was held in the Annaville Elementary School Cafeteria at 7:00 p.m. and the ground breaking, including blessing of the site by the Most Reverend Thomas L. Drury, was held immediately after Mass. Bishop Drury accepted a golden shovel from Monsignor Higgins and dug the first shovel of dirt.
Monsignor William Kelly was appointed the first pastor of the parish by Bishop Drury in September of 1967. Monsignor Kelly lived and had his office in a hotel on Leopard Street until the first rectory, located on Guess Drive was purchased. The men of the parish remodeled the rectory and the women helped with the painting. Furnishings were acquired with the assistance of a collection of Gold Stamps. Masses were held in the Clifford-Jackson Funeral Home on Violet Road. As membership increased, the Masses were moved to Annaville School cafeteria. On special occasions, such as birthdays and wedding anniversaries, Monsignor Kelly would say a Mass in parishioner's homes. He served as our Pastor until 1973. The first Mass on Church property was the Midnight Mass at Christmas of 1972. It was held in the Parish Hall which was to be the Church building for the next six years.
In 1973, Father John Killeen was appointed our pastor. Soon after came to our parish, Father Killeen and the Parish Council began plans for our new church building. Louie Sablatura was the president of the Parish Council at the time. The contract for the building was awarded in 1976. Many families made generous donations to help build the new Church. Their gifts are commemorated on a plaque located in the back of the church. On February 19, 1978, the very first Mass was celebrated in the new Church building. It was a celebration in honor of Louie and Minnie Sablatura's 50th wedding anniversary. The new Church was dedicated on February 26, 1978. After Mass, a reception was held in the hall.
Father Matthew Lyng served as our pastor from August 1, 1981 until April 0f 1992. Soon after his arrival we began planning our new rectory and CCD classrooms, since up until that time sessions were held in Annaville Elementary school. The CCD program has grown over the years and today has more than 500 students.
Fr. Lyng and the Parish Council saw the need for a larger hall and the contract was awarded in 1992 and the building was completed by Hooker Construction and blessed by Bishop Rene Gracida on March 25, 1993.
In April of 1992, Father Joseph was appointed pastor of our parish. Msgr. Michael Adams lived at the rectory as a retired priest and helped Father Joseph with Masses and Confessions. The parish celebrated its 25th Anniversary on June 29, 1992 with a special Mass and a party. Unfortunately Father Joseph had to retire from the parish and active ministry because of ill health in January of 1994.
Msgr. Morgan Rowsome, was appointed to St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles Parish on February 2, 1994 and since his arrival, has started the Catholic Parish Renewal Retreats, introduced Sacrificial Giving of Time, Talent and Treasure, started many new ministries, published a parish newspaper twice a year, approved of much needed repairs on buildings, driveways and parking lots and made us a "Fully Alive" parish. He has also hired Sr. Susana, of the Pax Christi Institute as Sister in charge of St. Mary Mission and is assisted by Sr. Maria Del Angels. Msgr. Morgan retired on June 30, 2013
In 2007 we celebrated our 40th Anniversary of becoming a parish and thanked God for the time, talent and treasure given by Priests, Sisters, Deacons and lay people over the years. We are blessed in having Msgr. Seamus McGowan to hear confessions, celebrate Mass and visit the sick U dying of our parish. We have a beautiful grotto in honor of Our Lady of Lourdes on Violet Road with a Rosary Walk for people to come and pray this wonderful prayer.
On November 8th, 2008, Dr. Al Cicora, Teo Farias and Richard Lewinski, from our parish, were ordained Permanent deacons and assigned to our parish. They are involved in different ministries in our parish. Deacon Richard is in charge of RCIA and helps non Catholics join the Church and Catholics to receive their Sacraments. deacon Allen Cicora heads up "Catholics Returning Home" and our Annual Parish Mission. Deacon Teo is in charge of our altar servers, leads the singing at the 6 p.m. Mass on Saturdays and helps Msgr. Morgan with Baptisms, Vigil Rosaries and funerals.
Our Parish membership now stands at 1700 families.
Msgr. Michael Heras was appointed on July 1, 2013 by Most Reverend Wm. Michael Mulvey, STL, DD, Bishop of the Diocese of Corpus Christi. Msgr. Heras resigned on June 26, 2014 and Father Emilio Jimenez was appointed our Pastor.
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